RISCO Group ACMS User Manual

Page 17

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User Manual for ACMS

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© RISCO Group


4. Type the end-point address of the machine where the worker will be created.

5. Click

to select the log file path.

6. Select the machine name where the component is installed from the Machine Name list.

7. Click Save. The message appears, “Service saved successfully”. Worker is added successfully to

the AMAC Distributor Service.


Delete Service

To edit a service:

1. Expand the component tree, for example AMAC. The services attached to the component appear

in the tree view.

2. Select a service, right-click and select Delete Service. The message appears.

Figure 11: Delete Service

3. Click Yes. The service is deleted.


Add Queue

To add a queue:

1. Expand the component tree, for example AMAC. The services attached to the component appear

in the tree view.

2. Select a service, right-click and select Add Queue. The Add Queue dialog box appears.
