HONDA P-81ACRD User Manual

Page 113

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Utility options

T he utility source is a list of programs.

Inside the utility s ource you will find six programs

T exas H old‘em, B iorhythm check, W orld clock, S cheduler, C ar Organizer, and C alculator

T o select the program you would like to open touch either the left and right arrows or the icons

in the lower option bar. Once selected touch either the main display window or “E xecute“ to

begin the program.

W hile highlighted in the main display window program options will be available.

“E xecute“ will begin the program.

“R egistration information“ will display program information including title, version, producer, and

file size.

“R egistration information“ will also allow the user to initialize the program

“Update“ will allow the user to update the program.

“Initialization“ will reset any saved data on the program.
