5 recycle record, 6 snap, 4 schedule configuration – LT Security LTD2316ME User Manual

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DVR User Manual


Before drag after drag

4.3.5 Recycle record

Step1: enter into system configurationrecord configurationrecycle record;
Step2: tick off recycle record to enable the recycle record function. It will cover the earlier recorded files and keep recoding
when HDD is full; if user disenables this function, it will stop recording when HDD is full.
Step3: click

“default” button to resort default setting; click “apply” button to save the setting; click “exit” button to exit current


4.3.6 Snap

In this interface, User can set up Resolution, quality, snap interval, snap number.

4.4 Schedule configuration

Schedule configuration includes three sub menus: schedule, motion and alarm.

4.4.1 Schedule

The volume means the seven days of a week from Monday to Sunday and the row means 24 hours of a day. Click the grid to
do relevant setup. Blue means checked area and gray means unchecked area.
Step1: enter into system configurationschedule configurationschedule; referring to Fig 4-15:

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