2 structure user administration, Structure user administration, 7 further functions – Eppendorf BioPhotometer Data Transfer User Manual

Page 29: Further functions

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7 Further functions

BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual

4. Enter the following data:

Username: admin

Password: administrator

5. Select again the rider User.
6. Activate the user administration by the activation of User management.

A green checkmark appears in a box and the user administration is activated.


Structure user administration

Only users with administrator rights have access to the user administration.
The user administration is divided into two areas:

Account Overview
Displays the list of users and their status.
Edit Account
In this area new users are created or existing users edited.


The standard administrator cannot be deleted. To prevent misuse immediately change the preset
password after log-in. (see Create, edit and delete user on page 30)


Further functions
