4 polyline – ElmoMC Multi-Axis Motion Controller-Maestro Motion Control User Manual

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Maestro Motion Library Tutorial

MAN-INTUG (Ver. 1.7)


Yc = Y - R*sin(Teta) // X coordinate of the helix axis

v2.splines() // start spline sequence

for i=0:1:n

v2.splinep(X,Y,Z) // add spline 3D point

Teta = Teta + dTeta // calc teta for the next point

X = Xc + R*cos(Teta) // calc X coordinate for the next point

Y = Yc + R*sin(Teta) // calc Y coordinate for the next point

Z = Z + dZ // calc Z coordinate for the next point

end for

v2.splinee(0) // end spline sequence

v2.bg // begin motion

Figure 1-6: Helix three-dimensional picture for the calculated PVT table drawn in MATLAB

1.3.4 Polyline

To build a polyline, the Maestro user program applies the following calls to the motion library

vector_name.starts(trj_name) – starts the polyline trajectory sequence with saving the PVT table
built by the Motion Library in a file named trj_name. Parameter trj_name can be missed – in
this case trajectory is saved in a temporary file named vector_name.trj.

vector_name.ends() - ends the polyline trajectory sequence.
