ElmoMC Multi-Axis Motion Controller-Maestro Motion Control User Manual

Page 14

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Inside the polyline operator parenthesis vector_name.starts(trj_name) and vector_name.ends() can
be added function calls – addline(), addcircle(), addsplinep() and adddwell() to define polyline

For the 2D polyline
(int PosX, int PosY) – adds a line segment

PosX, PosY - destination position of the linear segment (counts)

vector_name.addcircle(int Radius, float StartAngle, float SweepAngle) – adds circle arc

Radius - radius of the circle segment (counts)

start_angle - start angle of the circle segment (degrees)

sweep_angle - sweep angle of the circle segment (degrees)

vector_name.addsplinep(int x, int y) - adds two-dimensional spline point

Important note: The user should take into account that the last point of the previous segment or the
first point of the trajectory is automatically added to the spline. The minimal number of the
addsplinep() operators that define the same spline segment inside the polyline must be great equal
. This requirement is valid for every spline segment inside the polyline – not only for the first one.

For the 3D polyline

vector_name.addline (int PosX, int PosY, int PosZ) – adds a line segment

PosX, PosY, PosZ - destination position of the linear segment (counts).

vector_name.addsplinep(int x, int y, int z) - adds three-dimensional spline point

As in a two-dimensional case, the last point of the previous segment is automatically added to
the spline segment and the number of points defining the spline segment cannot be less than 2.

For 2D and 3D polyline

vector_name.adddwell(delay_time) – adding delay (station) between two segments

delay_time - delay value in millisecond

Smooth transition from one curve to another inside polyline.

There are four modes that define transition from one shape to another that are defined by the
parameter (vector property) vsc:


vsc = 0 - switch arc is not built


vsc = 1ML builds switch arc with switch radius minimally radius that satisfies kinematics
constraint r > (vse)


/[vac*vae] where

vse – parameter that defines end velocity on the segment preceding switch arc

vac – parameter that defines maximum vector acceleration

vae – parameter that defines admissible error for the vector acceleration

Maestro Motion Library Tutorial

MAN-INTUG (Ver. 1.7)

