Dead ending – CommScope Trunk & Distribution Cable User Manual

Page 37

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Dead Ending

Self-supporting cable is dead-ended at the first, last, and corner poles. For stranded steel attach with a

Strand-Dead End (Preform), for solid steel messengers use a wire vise. Sufficient cable and strand separation will

be required at dead-end poles to allow for splicing if necessary.

Note: A corner pole is defined as having an angle of 30° or greater from the pole line.

The strand must be dead-ended or false dead-ended at corner poles in both directions. If the strand continuity is

broken, bonding will be required at this time.

Note: It is not necessary to cut the strand if B false dead ends are used.

Integrated Messenger Installation


Dead Ending

Dead End

(minimum 12 inches)

Strand-Dead End
