1 important notice, 2 power safety information – Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System User Manual

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Section 2 Important Safety Information

2.1 Important Notice

Use of the Gel Doc

 XR, and ChemiDoc XRS involves UV illumination. Proper precautions

must be taken to avoid eye and skin exposure to the UV radiation. This instrument is meant for
use only by specialized personnel that know the health risks associated with UV radiation and
the reagents that are normally used with this instrument. The acrylic shield provides some UV
protection. However, it does not guarantee complete protection, and it is designed to shield
only the person working in front of the system.

WARNING: The operator should wear appropriate safety glasses or a
protective mask and gloves in addition to using the UV Safety Shield
provided with this instrument.

Anmerkung: Dieses Geraet ist nur fuer Forschungszwecke geeignet.
Ausserdem ist die Benutzung nur fuer spezialisiertes Personal gedacht, das mit den
Gesundheitsrisiken vertraut ist, die an die UV-Strahlung gebunden sind und den Reagentien,
die normalerweise mit diesem Geraet benutzt werden.
Die Benutzung eines Plexiglasschutzschildes garantiert dem Benutzer keinen Schutz vor UV-
Strahlung. Die Benutzung von Schutzbrille oder Schutzmaske ist strengstens empfohlen.

2.2 Power Safety information

a) Voltage Setting Information: The Universal Hood II has a power supply that automatically

chooses the correct voltage for your country or region.

b) Fusing: The Universal Hood II has two user serviceable fuses. These are located at the

following location:

F1 and F2 are located on the bottom rear panel and are a part of the power entry module,
please see picture below for details:

Main power entry module

Fuse F1 and F2 are located in
this drawer. Use a screwdriver
and pull the drawer out to see
the fuses

This manual is related to the following products: