Continuous acquisition mode – ADLINK USB-1210 User Manual

Page 34

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Operation & Calibration

Software Conversion with Polling Data Transfer Acquisi-
tion Mode (Software Polling)

Generally the most convenient way to acquire a single A/D data
sample, the A/D converter starts a conversion when the dedicated
software command is executed. The software then polls the
conversion status and reads back the A/D data when it is

This method is indicated when there is a need to process A/D data
in real time or instant closed-loop control. In this mode, the timing
of the A/D conversion is fully controlled by the software.

Continuous Acquisition Mode

Continuous A/D Conversion Clock Source

When the onboard ADC receives a conversion clock signal,
A/D conversion is triggered. The USB-1210 conversion clock
may originate with the internal hardware timer or externally via
CONV (external A/D conversion clock) pin. While the conver-
sion clock source can be chosen by setting AI source configu-
ration, if precision acquisition is required, use of the internal
hardware timer is recommended.

Sampling Rate Control with Internal Hardware Timer

This mode is recommended if a fixed and precise A/D sampling
rate is required.The period between conversions of individual
channels can be accurately programmed. ADC sampling rate is
determined by:

Sampling Rate = 2M/ScanIntrv Where ScanIntrv is scan
interval counter, value can be 1, 2, 3, 4… 2


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The A/D conversion rate is determined by the software timer
and may not be precise.
