Echelon Mini FX User Manual

Page 95

background image

82 Developing



when(timer_expires(buttonTimer)) {
static boolean previousButton = TRUE;
boolean currentButton;

currentButton = GetButton();
if (currentButton && !previousButton) {
previousButton = currentButton;

#ifdef USE_5000EVB

IO_9 input bit ioSwitch1;

// when(io_changes…) executes whenever the switch
when(io_changes(ioSwitch1) to 0)

#endif // 5000 evb
#endif // mini gizmo

// Driver to support a 1-Wire Dallas DS18S20 digital thermometer device.
// This implementation uses a simplified protocol, skipping the
// search ROM step, because the boards provide only one 1-Wire device.
// The same code works for both FT 5000 EVB and Mini Gizmo I/O boards.
// 1-Wire is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor.
// You can find out more about this device on
IO_7 touch ioTemperatureSensor;

#define DS18S20_SKIP_ROM 0xCCu
#define DS18S20_CONVERT 0x44u
#define DS18S20_READ 0xBEu

SNVT_temp_p GetTemperature(void)
union {
SNVT_temp_p value;
unsigned raw[2];
} current;

current.value = 32767l;

if (touch_reset(ioTemperatureSensor)) {

(void)touch_byte(ioTemperatureSensor, DS18S20_SKIP_ROM);
(void)touch_byte(ioTemperatureSensor, DS18S20_READ);

// read data into big-endian variable
current.raw[1] = (unsigned)touch_byte(ioTemperatureSensor, 0xFFu);
current.raw[0] = (unsigned)touch_byte(ioTemperatureSensor, 0xFFu);

if (touch_reset(ioTemperatureSensor)) {
// The value currently held in 'current' is the raw DS18S20
// data, in Celsius, at a resolution of 0.5 degrees.
// SNVT_temp_p, however, provides a resolution of 0.01 in
// a fixed-point implementation.
// Correct the raw reading by factor 50 thus:
current.value *= 50ul;
// Start the next conversion cycle:
(void) touch_byte(ioTemperatureSensor, DS18S20_SKIP_ROM);
(void) touch_byte(ioTemperatureSensor, DS18S20_CONVERT);
