Host setup – Artesyn COMX-P2020 BSP User Guide (July 2014) User Manual

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Host Setup

COMX-P2020 BSP User Guide (6806800L84B)


7. Create a link for the directory of NFS as the following:

cd /local/tftpboot/COMX-P2020

ln -s V100R00 current

8. Edit /etc/exports and add the following line at the end:

/local/tftpboot/COMX-P2020/current *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

9. Start the NFS service as below:

[percy@localhost /]$ sudo service nfs restart

Shutting down NFS mountd: [FAILED]

Shutting down NFS daemon: [FAILED]

Shutting down NFS quotas: [FAILED]

Shutting down NFS services: [FAILED]

Starting NFS services: [ OK ]

Starting NFS quotas: [ OK ]

Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ]

Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ]

[percy@localhost /]$
