Appendix g, Ip pbx voice sounds – PLANET IPX-300 User Manual

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Appendix G

IP PBX Voice Sounds



agent-pass.WAV: Please enter your password followed by the pound key.

auth-incorrect.WAV: Password incorrect. Please enter your password followed by the pound key.

auth-thankyou.WAV: Thank you

beep.WAV: "beep tone"

beeperr.WAV: "beep tone"

offduty.WAV: Now is off hour , if you know the extension of the party "you" wish to reach, dial now, or

call again tomorrow

onduty.WAV: Thank you for calling, if you the extension of the party "you" wish to reach dial now, or

dial 9 for operator.

pbx-invalid.WAV: I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again

pbx-invalidpark.WAV: I am sorry, there is no call parked on that extension. Please try again.

playoffduty.WAV: Now play off duty prompt voice

playonduty.WAV: Now play on duty prompt voice

recordoffduty.WAV: To record off duty prompt voice, please press 1 after the beep sound start

recording, to finishing recording please press pound key, press 2 to exit the system

recordonduty.WAV: To record on duty prompt voice, please press 1 after the beep sound start

recording, to finishing recording please press pound key, press 2 to exit the system

thank-you-for-calling.WAV: thank you for calling

conf-adminmenu: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself, 2 to lock or unlock the conference, 3 to

eject the last user, 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase

your volume, or 8 to exit

conf-enteringno: You are entering conference number

conf-errormenu: Invalid Choice

conf-getchannel: Please enter the channel number followed by the pound key.

conf-getconfno: Please enter your conference number followed by the pound key.

conf-getpin: Please enter the conference pin number.

conf-hasjoin: is now in the conference.

conf-hasleft: has left the conference.

conf-invalid: That is not a valid conference number. Please try again.

conf-invalidpin: That pin is invalid for this conference.

conf-kicked: You have been kicked from this conference

conf-leaderhasleft: The leader has left the conference.

conf-locked: This conference is locked!

conf-lockednow: The conference is now locked

conf-muted: You are now muted
