Introduction, Overview, Smartio--the smart multiport async solution – Moxa Technologies CP-104UL User Manual

Page 8: Board applications, 1 introduction -2, Overview -2, Smartio—the smart multiport async solution -2, Board applications -2, 1introduction, Smartio—the smart multiport async solution

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Smartio CP-104UL User’s Manual





Smartio—The Smart Multiport Async Solution

The term Smartio stands for smart multiport serial I/O solution. The Smartio CP-104UL Board is
designed for the 32-bit PCI bus with Plug and Play feature. These boards offer 4 RS-232 serial
ports for connecting terminals, modems, printers, scanners, cash registers, bar code readers,
keypads, numeric displays, electrical scales, data acquisition equipment, and many other serial
devices for the PC and compatible systems. With its well-designed and fine-tuned device driver,
the Smartio boards make full use of the 128 byte Tx/Rx FIFO and on-chip H/W and S/W flow
control, which makes possible transferring data without loss at transmission speeds up to
921.6Kbps. These boards offer a reliable and high performance solution for serial multiport

Board Applications

The CP-104UL Board can be used with many applications, including:


Internet/Intranet Connections


Remote Access Applications


Multi-user Applications


Industrial Automation


Office Automation




PC-based Vending Machines or Kiosk Systems


POS (Point-of-Sale) Systems

PCI Solution

The CP-104UL board complies with PCI Spec. 2.1, and does not use either switches or jumpers.
The hardware configuration for the IRQ and Memory addresses is automatically assigned by the
PCI BIOS. Hence, the board MUST be plugged in before installing the driver software. For more
PCI information, refer to the Technical Reference Appendix.

Surge Protection

To prevent the board from being damaged by lightning or high potential voltage, TVSS (Transient
Voltage Surge Suppressor) technologies with 15KV ESD protection are used in the CP-104UL
board. This is required for harsh environments, such as in factory settings, under severe weather
