Chapter, Configuration using the web-based utility, Setup > zoom – Linksys SLM248G4S (G5) User Manual

Page 22: Setup > network settings

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Configuration Using the Web-based Utility


24/48-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Ggabt Reslent Clusterng Smart Swtch wth 2 Combo SFPs

DNS Server

The IP address of your ISP’s server that

translates the names of websites into IP addresses. This

setting can be configured from the Setup tab’s Network

Settings screen.

Default Gateway

The IP address (default of the

gateway router between the Switch and management

stations on other network segments. This setting can be

configured from the Setup tab’s Network Settings screen.


The Default Gateway cannot be

configured if the system IP address is set to (The system IP Address is set

using Setup > Network Settings.)

Address Mode

Specifies whether the Switch’s IP address

is Statc or dynamically assigned using DHCP (Dynamic

Host Configuration Protocol). This setting can be

configured from the Setup tab’s Network Settings screen.

The default setting is Statc.

Base MAC Address

Displays the Switch’s MAC address.

Jumbo Frame

This setting enables or disables Jumbo

frames on the Switch. A maximum packet size of 9 KB is

supported. Jumbo frames allow data to be transmitted

using fewer frames, providing lower overhead, quicker

processing time, and fewer interruptions. Select either

Enable or Dsable (default).


The Jumbo Frame feature functions only

on the Gigabit ports (G1-G4).

Swtch Mode After Reset

This setting specifies the

system mode following a system reset. Select either

Standalone or Stackable (default).

System Information

Model Name

Displays the model name of the Switch.

Hardware Verson

Displays the current hardware version.

Boot Verson

Displays the current boot version.

Frmware Verson

Displays the current software version

System Locaton

Displays the location of the system if it

has been defined. This setting can be configured from the

Setup tab’s Network Settings screen.

System Contact

The name of the administrator appears

here, if one has been defined. This setting can be configured

from the Setup tab’s Network Settings screen.

System Up Tme

Displays the length of time that has

elapsed since the Switch was last reset.

Current Tme

Displays the current time. This setting can

be configured from the Setup tab’s Time screen.

Click Save Settngs to save your changes. Click Cancel

Changes to cancel your changes.

Setup > Zoom

The Zoom screen depicts the status of all the ports in the

system. This screen displays a front-panel view of each

Switch. The color of each switch port indicates its status:


This port has a connection.


This port has no connection.


The administrator has closed down this port.

Setup > Zoom

Clicking on a port displays the Port Configuration screen.


The port colors in the Zoom screen are

not related to the colors of the port LEDs. The

port LEDs display different status information,

as described in “Chapter 2: Overview.”

Setup > Network Settings

Setup > Network Settings

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