Roland VS-880EX User Manual

Page 119

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8. Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].
Return to Play condition.

9. Set your MIDI sequencer to send MTC.

10. Hold down [SHIFT] and press [SYSTEM].
The “SYNC MODE” field of the display will show
“EXT,” indicating that the unit will now operate in
synchronization with MTC received from a MIDI

11. Press [PLAY].
The PLAY indicator blinks green, indicating that the
VS-880EX is in MTC receive standby mode. When the
MIDI sequencer begins playback, then playback also
begins on the VS-880EX. During synchronization, the
PLAY indicator are lit.

12. When you stop the MIDI sequencer, the VS-880EX

will also stop.

The PLAY indicator blinks green.

13. Press [STOP].
The PLAY indicator goes off.

14. Hold down [SHIFT] and press [SYSTEM].
The “SYNC MODE” field of the display will show
“INT,” indicating that the unit will no longer operate
in synchronization.

Synchronizing with an External MIDI

When the VS-880EX is running under the control of
the MTC from an external MIDI device, you can syn-
chronize the song’s playback time and the MTC time.
This time is called the


. For example, if the MTC

time is “01h00m00s00f00,” and the song’s time is
“00h10m00s00f00,” the “offset” is as follows.


= (MTC time) - (destined time of the song)

= (01h00m00s00f00) - (00h10m00s00f00)

= (00h50m00s00f00)

If the offset value turns out to be negative, add
“24h00m00s00f00” to the MTC time before subtracting
the destined time of the song. For example, if the MTC
time transmitted is 00h00m50s00f00,” and you want
the song to play back at “00h01m00s00f00,” then the
offset works out as shown below.


= (MTC time) - (destined time of the song)

= (00h00m50s00f00) - (00h01m00s00f00)

= ((24h00m00s00f00) + (00h00m50s00f00)) -


= (23h59m50s00f00)

* With the VS-880EX, continuous playback from

“23h59m59s29f99” to “00h00m00s00f00” does not corre-
spond to (overnight mode). The song that crosses over
“00h00m00s00f00” momentarily stops at
“23h59m59s29f99” then resumes playback.

1. Press [SYSTEM] several times until “SYS System

PRM ?” appears in the display.

2. Press [YES].

3. Press PARAMETER [


4. “TimeDispFmt=” appears in the display. Rotate

the TIME/VALUE dial.

TimeDispFmt (Time Display Format)
Select one of the reference times (REL, ABS) that
appear in the display. For now, choose “ABS.”


The starting time of the song is displayed as


The time displayed includes the addition of the
offset time.

5. Press PARAMETER [


6. “Ofs=” appears in the display. Rotate the


Ofs (Offset)
When the VS-880EX is running under the control of
the MTC from an external MIDI device, you can syn-
chronize the song’s playback time and the MTC time.
The offset settings range varies depending on the MTC
type selected for the current song.

7. Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].
Return to Play condition.

Using the Sync Track (Master)

If your MIDI sequencer supports Song Position
Pointer messages, you can use the MIDI Clock to syn-
chronize operations. There are two methods of syn-
chronization using the MIDI Clock: one is using the
sync track, and the other one is using the tempo map.
Here is an explanation of how to control the MIDI
sequencer from the VS-880EX using the sync track.





Chapter 9 Use with MIDI Devices


Chapter 9
