Using the tempo map (master), What is a tempo map, Creating a tempo map – Roland VS-880EX User Manual

Page 121: Chapter 9 use with midi devices 121

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2. Press [SYSTEM] several times until “SYS MIDI

PRM ?” appears in the display.

3. Press [YES].

4. Press PARAMETER [

] several times until

“SYS MID: MIDIThr=” appears in the display.

5. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.

MIDI Thru (MIDI Thru Switch)
This selects the function of the MIDI OUT/THRU con-
nector. For now, select “Out.”


The connector transmits MIDI messages from
the VS-880EX. Select this when you want to
transmit metronome Note messages or mixer
parameter settings (control change messages or
exclusive messages).


MIDI messages received at the MIDI IN con-
nector will be retransmitted from the connector
without change.

6. Press [SYSTEM] several times until “SYS

Sync/Tempo ?” appears in the display.

7. Press [YES].

8. Press PARAMETER [

] several times until

“SYS Gen.=” appears in the display.

9. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial.

Gen. (Generator)
This selects the type of synchronization signal that will
be transmitted from the MIDI OUT connector. At this
point, select “SyncTr.”


Synchronization signals are not transmitted.


MIDI Time Code is transmitted.


MIDI Clock according to the Tempo Map is


MIDI Clock data recorded on the sync track
is transmitted.

10. Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)].
Return to Play condition.

11. Set your MIDI sequencer so that it can operate

according to the MIDI Clock messages received
from external devices, and set it so that it can play
back MIDI song data. When playback begins on
the VS-880EX, the MIDI sequencer begins play-
back as well.

Using the Tempo Map (Master)

If your MIDI sequencer supports Song Position
Pointer messages, you can use the MIDI Clock to syn-
chronize operations. There are two methods of syn-
chronization using the MIDI Clock: one is using the
sync track, and the other one is using the tempo map.
This section gives an explanation of how to control the
MIDI sequencer from the VS-880EX using the tempo

What is a Tempo Map?

A tempo map is a song’s measure, beat, and tempo
information. Transmitting this information to MIDI
sequencers and other devices, it can be used in syn-
chronizing operations with external MIDI devices. The
tempo map sets tempo changes for each measure, so
you can record information specifying changes in
rhythm and tempo to be played from any designated
measure. With the VS-880EX, tempo maps are num-
bered sequentially from the beginning of the song,
with Tempo Map 1 first, followed by Tempo Map 2,
Tempo Map 3, and so on. Tempo Map 1 is already
specified at the beginning of the song, and determines
the initial tempo of the song. To change the tempo at a
subsequent measure, create a new tempo map at each
location where you want the tempo to change. Up to
50 tempo maps can be created.

Creating a Tempo Map

1. Press [SYSTEM] several times until “SYS

Sync/Tempo ?” appears in the display.

2. Press [YES].

3. Press PARAMETER [

] several times until

“SYS Syn: Tmap1=” appears in the display.

Tempo Map 1 (120 BPM)

Tempo Map 1

(120 BPM)

Tempo Map 2

(117 BPM)

Tempo Map 3

(108 PBM)

Example 1: Song with no tempo changes

Example 2: Song with tempo changes occurring during the song


Chapter 9 Use with MIDI Devices


Chapter 9
