EVS Xfile Version 1.11 - April 2007 User Manual User Manual

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XFILE Version 1.11 – User’s Manual

Author: M. Lothaire

Issue 1.0


In Restore mode, the Folders filter displays this selection:

The difference between ‘Restore Folder’s and ‘External Restore Folder’
depends on the Folders and Sub-folders included in the PATH.

The selection of the ‘Restore folders’ does not require a scanning process
because the clips have already been scanned at start-up.

The 'External Restore Folder' can be an external disk or a folder not
included in the PATH, therefore the content of this external folder (or
external disk) needs to be scanned for extracting the data and making
them available from the XFile list.

In the ‘Restore Folders’ field, clicking on the icon on the right side opens
the following dialog box:

Several folders are selectable at a time.
Select a folder from the list and press 'Add' to fill out the filter list.

For your information, the current Session Folder always lights green in the

In the Filter list, select an item and press ‘Remove selected’ to cancel the
selection of this folder.

The sub-folders of the selected folder are selectable as well.
Select the ‘Include SubFolders’ box to include them in the selection.

Press 'OK' to confirm your selection and to quit the dialog box. The folders
appear in the filter field.
