Calibration – Ohaus EB COMPACT SCALES Manual multi User Manual

Page 17

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For best results, calbrate the scale at regular ntervals. Temperature changes,
gravty varatons, alttude changes and abuse are few reasons why a scale may
need recalbraton.

When the scale s deally postoned for operaton, enter calbraton and proceed as


ZERO and COUNT at the same tme to ntate

calbraton. The requred calbraton weght flashes on the
dsplay (ex. 3000g).

At ths tme, a dfferent calbraton weght value can be selected by pressng .
Avalable selectons are 1/3, 2/3 and 100% of full capacty.
Once the desred value s dsplayed, place the correspondng weght on the pan.
The dsplay flashes untl the actual weght s regstered and the calbraton process
ends (the scale re-starts). At ths tme, remove the weght on the pan before the
dsplay count-down sequence ends.


• Calbraton weght s dsplayed n grams only.

• To abort the calbraton process, turn the scale off.

• If needed, the factory default calbraton value can be recovered. As the

scale s turned on, press

TARE and COUNT at the same tme durng the power-on

sequence. The power-on sequence wll re-cycle and the scale wll rentate wth the
default calbraton.
