Function submenu/parameter submenu overview, Function submenu/parameter submenu overview -2, Function submenu/parameter submenu overview bel – Cobalt Digital COMPASS 9062 Up_Down_Cross Converter User Manual

Page 34: Control and display descriptions

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Control and Display Descriptions



9062-OM (V4.6)


When a setting is changed, settings displayed on DashBoard™ (or a Remote
Control Panel) are the settings as effected by the card itself and reported
back to the remote control; the value displayed at any time is the actual value
as set on the card.

Function Submenu/Parameter Submenu Overview

The functions and related parameters available on the 9062 card are organized
into function submenus, which consist of parameter groups as shown below.

Figure 3-1 shows how the 9062 card and its submenus are organized, and also
provides an overview of how navigation is performed between cards, function
submenus, and parameters.

Figure 3-1 Function Submenu/Parameter Submenu Overview


Submenu a

Submenu b

Submenu z

• • •

Individual Parameters

Each submenu consists of groups of parameters
related to the function submenu. Using the “Video
Proc” function submenu example, the individual
parameters for this function consist of various video
processor parameters such as Luma Gain, Saturation,
and so on.

If using DashBoard™ or a Remote Control Panel, the
desired 9062 card is first selected.

The desired function submenu is next
Function Submenus consist of parameter
groups related to a particular 9062 card
function (for example, “Video Proc”).
