Multichannel Systems HiClamp Manual User Manual

Page 47

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The program sequence that is displayed in the middle panel is identical to the program sequence
used for the control of HiClamp. The lower panel illustrates the sequence of events that took
place during the data acquisition in a “chart paper like” recording. In this example you can see
that the HiClamp took three oocytes from the loading plate before finding one responsive cell
as indicated by the three oocyte loading icons that are seen in the initial section of the sequence.
Note that the sequence continues with the recordings (following the response in position 10,
record 166, indicated in blue). To scroll through the sequence, please use the toolbar placed
underneath the sequence.

DataMining takes full advantage of the icon-based concept allowing the user to efficiently
analyze data with a single click. The concept is that selection of an icon representing a data
acquisition module, such as steps 2, 4 or 7, in the example above, must trigger the analysis of data
that have been captured during the experiment and that correspond to this particular step of the
program sequence. Selection of the icon 4 should display all the oocytes that have been retained
as displaying appropriate leak current. A click on the icon 7 should display all the data that have
been captured for a given oocyte. Each oocyte is represented versus its position in the loading
plate. A typical display obtained by this action is illustrated in the screenshot below.

As the HiClamp system contains two plates with the oocyte loading plate and the compound
, two modes of representation can be envisaged. A first mode, illustrated below, consists in
representing data versus the position in the loading plate. Alternatively, data can be represented
versus the compound position. Switching between these two representation modes is obtained by
a click on the oocyte (or plate) symbol in the upper right panel. The mode of representation
corresponds to the icon displayed at the instant of the data selection.

Recordings obtains in a series of oocytes are represented versus their respective position
in the loading plate. The empty positions correspond to cells that didn’t meet the desired
criteria (resting potential, leak currents and agonist evoked current).
