Backups, Mounting and unmounting filesets, Disk volume management – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 89: Security

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Backups are done using the pax utility. The backup process for an OSS system is described in the
Open System Services Management and Operations Guide. Information on pax also appears in

Chapter 13 (page 151)


Mounting and Unmounting Filesets

Mounting and unmounting filesets (making one or more OSS filesets available to other OSS file
systems) are performed by the system administrator using the OSS Monitor. The OSS Monitor is
a Guardian utility that accepts your requests through an interactive interface called the Subsystem
Control Facility (SCF).

Disk Volume Management

In an OSS system, files reside in storage pools that permit file systems to span multiple disk volumes.
As these volumes fill, you can add more volumes to accommodate the files in your file system. The
system administrator manages disk volumes.


Many OSS security features are managed through the Guardian Safeguard subsystem. Some of
these features regulate access to OSS objects (such as files) from the Guardian environment and
regulate access to Guardian objects from the OSS environment. The kind of access permitted
depends on the security constraints involved.

The security model depends on the object being accessed, however, and not on the environment
used. For example, if you are working in an OSS environment and try to access a Guardian object,
it is Guardian environment security that applies. Because of this security model, if you were trying
to access a Guardian object from the OSS environment and were denied this access, you could
not subvert the object’s protection by writing an OSS program to access the object.

Security operations on individual files (as opposed to filesets) are performed with OSS utilities,
often by the user. The OSS user commands chmod, chown, and setacl change ownership and
access to files.


The setacl command and OSS ACLs are supported in Version 3 and later versions of

OSS filesets only. For detailed information about ACLs, see the acl(5) reference page either
online or in the Open System Services System Calls Reference Manual.

Managing the OSS Environment


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