2 typographic conventions, 3 sintax of messages, 4 messages from keyboard to pc – Videotec DCZ User Manual

Page 16: 3 syntax of messages

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EN - English - I


tions manual


9.4 Messages from keyboard to PC

The DCZ keyboard transmits every event to the PC
and does not expect an acknowledge message.
The events are:




Pressing of a
touch key.


val: Value of the

key in the lookup

Pressing of a
touch key +

[K+val:shift] val: Value of the

key in the lookup
shift: Pressed

"shift" keys (‘1’..’8’).

Release of a
touch key.


val: Value of the

key in the lookup

Pressing a
"shift" key.


shift: Number of

"shift" key (‘1’..’8’).

Releasing a
"shift" key.


shift: Number of

"shift" key (‘1’..’8’).

Movement of
the joystick.


±pp, ±tt, ±zz: Pan,

tilt, zoom position

Movement of
the shuttle.


±aa: Rotation angle


Movement of
the jog dial.


Clockwise rotation
by one click (10
clicks per turn

Movement of
the jog dial.


Counter clockwise
rotation by one
click (10 clicks per
turn angle).

Tab. 02

9.2 Typographic conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in
the protocol described below:
• [messages]: Transmitted message

variable_parameter: Variable parameter

inside a message

• ±: Plus or minus sign.

9.3 Syntax of messages

The messages sent to and from the PC consist in
printable characters (from ASCII 32 to ASCII 127
codes, excluding ASCII 91 and 93) which are delimited
by brackets [ and ]:
• [ (ASCII 91) Open square bracket, STX start of


• Message text of variable length
• [ (ASCII 93) Closed square bracket, STX start of


Given the type of messages transmitted and the
quality of the USB communication, no checksum
system is foreseen.
Example: When the


key is pressed (row

1, column 3) the default keyboard will transmit


[: Identifies the start of the message

K+: Pressed key

13: Key lookup value (row 1, column 3)

]: Identifies the end of the message.
