5 messages from pc to keyboard – Videotec DCZ User Manual

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tions manual


9.5 Messages from PC to Keyboard

All the messages transmitted from the PC to the keyboard are confirmed by the DCZ keyboard by an
acknowledge message. The messages from PC to Keyboard are:






Keyboard online presence test.



Keyboard model and firmware version.



Led on.
rc: Row 1...8 column 1…9*.



Led off.
rc: Row 1...8 column 1…9*.



Switching off all LED's.



Led blinking.
rc: Row 1...8 column 1…9*.



Led row setting.
r: Row 1..8.
sssssssss: LED row status (+ on. – off, / blinking).



Immediate LED
("9.6 LED updates", page 16).



Delayed LED update
("9.6 LED updates", page 16).



LED update
("9.6 LED updates", page 16).



LED status copy
("9.6 LED updates", page 16).



Start buzzer.



Stop buzzer.



Alternated start buzzer.



Keyboard orientation:
+ Joystick on the right, jog shuttle on the left,
- Joystick on the left, jog shuttle on the right.



Positive direction of the joystick axis: allows you to invert the
direction of the individual joystick axis.
X+: To the right (default), X-: To the left,
Y+: Upwards (default), Y-: Downwards,
Z+: Clockwise (default), Z-: Counter clockwise.



Definition of the

val value for the rc key* in the lookup chart

("9.7 Lookup chart (for experts only)", page 16).



Lookup value read set for a logical coordinate key

rc* ("9.7

Lookup chart (for experts only)", page 16).



This allows you to modify the configuration without using the
memory following multiple changes in values.



This saves the last modified values


Tab. 03 * The coordinates refer to the logical address of the LEDs, and not the value set in the lookup chart.
