Collecting data and viewing, Collecting the data, Viewing the data collected – NOVUS Controller N120 User Manual

Page 12: Chart window, Acquisition table windows, General information window, Determination

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After filling all the fields select "OK", and the configuration will be sent

to the logger.
Important: Setting the N120 will erase all the records present in its

data memory.


The data acquired by the controller can be transferred to a PC using

the LogChart-II software, which presents in graphical and table form.

The data can be saved in files for future analysis and comparisons.


The collection of the acquired data is done by clicking on icon

Collect Acquisitions. During the process of data transfer, a progress

bar is shown, indicating how much has already been transferred. The

data transfer time is proportional to the number of acquisitions made.

After the transfer of the acquisitions, the data are displayed in

graphical form.

Chart Window

You can select a region of the graph to be viewed in detail (zoom).

The zoom commands can be accessed through View menu or

through the zoom icons on the toolbar.
You could also select the chart area to be enlarged through click and

drag the mouse, creating a zoom region from the upper left corner of

the desired graph.
In the chart window the minimum and maximum values of channel 1

are shown. Shows also a dashed horizontal line with the value set for

the alarm.
When selecting a point on the curve by double clicking it shows the

value corresponding to the point on the curve graphic and the

acquisition table.
When selecting a point on the curve with a double click with the Shift

key, you can associate a text to the point of the curve.

Fig. 6 - Graphical display of the collected data

The collecting does not stop the acquisition process of measurement

and data recording.

Acquisition Table Windows

The presentation in tabular form can be obtained by pressing the

Show Table of Acquisitions. This mode displays the values acquired

in a table format by relating the time of the measurement, the date

and its value (Fig. 7).
When selecting a table row with a double click this line is marked

(yellow) and the corresponding point on the curve graphic collection

value is showed.

Fig. 7 – Acquisition Table

General Information Window

This window displays information about the controller whose

acquisitions were recently collected and its configuration. This screen

can be displayed via the View General Information icon.
At the end of the General Information window (Fig.8), can be added a

text with comments on the data collected.

Fig. 8 – General Information



The serial port associated with the N120 is automatically determined

by the operating system a few moments after connecting the N120.

The user can easily identify or change the COM port associated with

the N120 accessing the "Device Manager" in Windows ®:

Control Panel / System / Hardware / Device Manager / Ports COM

You can also open the "Device Manager" by running the following

command: "devmgmt.msc".
After opening the "Device Manager" you can check which port Serial

(COM) associated with the N120. As can be identified in Fig. 9a and

Fig.9b, the N120 is associated with COM7.
