5 menu bar position, 6 status bar position, 108 12.6 status bar position – Barco iQ Pro G500 User Manual

Page 114: Menu bar position, Status bar position

background image

12. Display setup

12.5 Menu bar position

What can be done ?

The menu toolbar can be centered vertically , the range being from top of the screen to the middle of the screen. This can be useful
in applications where the top image content is not displayed.

How to center the menu ?

1. Press MENU to activate the Toolbar

2. Press → to select the Display setup item

3. Press ↓ to Pull down the Display setup menu

4. Use ↑ or ↓ to select Menu bar position menu (image 12-7)

5. Press ENTER

6. Use ↑ or ↓ to position the menu toolbar

Image 12-7

12.6 Status bar position

What can be done ?

The status bar (wizard menu) can be centered vertically , the range being from bottom of the screen to the middle of the screen.
This can be useful in applications where the bottom image content is not displayed.

How to center the menu ?

1. Press MENU to activate the Toolbar

2. Press → to select the Display setup item

3. Press ↓ to Pull down the Display setup menu

4. Use ↑ or ↓ to select Status bar position (image 12-8)

5. Press ENTER

6. Use ↑ or ↓ to position the status bar


R5976491 IQ PRO G500 01/02/2007
