7 configuration, 1 e-mail messaging, 2 e-mail configuration – Barco iQ Pro G500 User Manual

Page 154: 148 14.7.2 e-mail configuration, Configuration

background image

14. IQ Network

Image 14-49
advanced diagnostics screen: green = OK ; red = error

14.7 Configuration

14.7.1 E-mail messaging

What can be done ?

E-mail messaging allows the projector to generate automatically E-mail and send them to three configurable recipients.

The mail can be sent on a regular basis i.e. daily, weekly or monthly or can be triggered by warnings.

Basically two different configurations must be done:



Content configuration

The content configuration allows to define the content of the E-mail

general content

advanced content

Timing configuration

E-mail sending can be set to be time dependent or status dependent

daily : E-mail is sent every day, the time can be set

weekly: the day can be set with a calendar

on warning : a E-mail is sent whenever a warning is generated by the projector

14.7.2 E-mail configuration

How to configure the E-mail ?

1. Click on Configuration in the toolbar

2. Click on Mail Config to open the mail configuration screen

See image 14-50.

3. set the content by clicking the desired content (image 14-51)

4. set the timing by clicking the desired time interval

Note: if the timing is chosen to be monthly, a calendar is displayed , click the days on which the E-mail should be sent


R5976491 IQ PRO G500 01/02/2007
