Fitting mounting brackets – ARB 3462040 User Manual

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Last Rev Date: 24/07/07

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Fitting instructions# 3783178

Copyright © 2005 by ARB Corporation Limited. All rights reserved, this document must not be reproduced without the express authority of ARB Corporation Ltd


1. Remove plastic shroud above radiator as

shown, by releasing plastic clips

2. To remove the grille, carefully push the

retainer spring clips back out in four places
behind grille. Pull outer bar from between
headlights forward to release from clip into
end of guard.

NOTE: It may be necessary to remove top
headlights to gain access to these clips if
you cannot release them easily

3. Remove bumper stabilising arms located

behind and outboard in bumper to chassis

4. Remove bumper undoing four bolts from

above and behind bumper.

5. Remove and replace tow hooks on

opposite chassis sides.

Note: The hole underneath the chassis may
need to be elongated to allow the bolt to fit
into the rear underside position. Leave the
outer bolt off for now.
