Adjusting the spacing between lines of text – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual

Page 132

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Chapter 7

Working with Text

Adjusting the Spacing Between Lines of Text

You can increase or decrease the distance between lines of text.

To adjust spacing:


Select the text you want to change.


Click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Text Inspector button, and then click Text.


Move the Line slider left to decrease spacing or right to increase it.

To specify a precise line spacing value, type a point value in the Line field, or click the
Up Arrow or Down Arrow next to the field.


Choose a line spacing option from the Line spacing pop-up menu that appears when
you click the text below the line field.

Standard line spacing (Single, Double, Multiple): The space between lines is proportional
to font size. Use this when the relative distance between ascenders (parts of letters that
extend to the top of the line) and descenders (parts of letters that extend below the
line) should remain fixed. Single sets line spacing to single-spaced, and Double sets it
to double-spaced. Multiple lets you set line spacing values lower than single, between
single and double, or greater than double.

At Least: The distance from one line to the next will never be less than the value you
set, but it may be larger for larger fonts in order to prevent overlapping text lines. Use
this when the distance between lines should remain fixed, but overlap is not desired if
the text gets large.

Exactly: The distance between the baselines.

Between: The value you set increases the space between the lines, instead of increasing
the height of the lines. By contrast, double-spacing doubles the height of each line.

Line spacing can also be controlled by using the Line Spacing pop-up menu on the
Format Bar when text is selected in a text box, shape, or comment.

Line spacing pop-up menu:
Click the text below the Line
field and choose a line spacing

Line field:
Type a value (or click the arrows)
to specify the space between
lines of text in a paragraph.

Click to change the amount of
space between lines of text.
