Hyperlink – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual

Page 236

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Chapter 12

Dictionary of Functions


The HYPERLINK function creates a clickable link that opens a webpage or new email
message window.

HYPERLINK(url, [link-text])

 url: A standard universal resource locator.
 link-text: Optional; the text that appears as a clickable link in the cell. If you omit this

argument, the URL is used as the link text.


The IF function returns one of two values depending on whether a specified expression

IF(expression, [if-true], [if-false])

 expression: A logical or numeric expression, or a reference to a cell containing such

an expression.

 if-true: Optional; the value that is returned if condition is true. If completely omitted

(no comma), returns 1. If blank (comma but not value), returns TRUE.

 if-false: Optional; the value that is returned if condition is false. If completely omitted

(no comma), the if-true expression is returned. If blank (comma but not value),
returns FALSE.

If condition is a numeric expression, a value of 0 is interpreted as false and any nonzero
value is interpreted as true.


HYPERLINK("http://www.apple.com","Apple") creates a link with the text Apple that opens the default
web browser to the Apple homepage.

HYPERLINK("mailto:[email protected]?subject=Quote Request", "Get Quote") creates a link with
the text Get Quote that opens the default email application and addresses a new message to
[email protected] with the subject line Quote Request.


IF(A5>=0, "Nonnegative","Negative") returns the text "Nonnegative" if cell A5 contains a number
greater than or equal to zero. Otherwise, it returns "Negative".

IF(AND(A8,A9),1,0) behaves like the Boolean AND operation. The function returns the numeric value 1
when both cells A8 and A9 contain 1 but returns the numeric value 0 if either cell contains a zero.
