Weekday, Year – Apple Numbers '08 User Manual

Page 289

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Chapter 12

Dictionary of Functions



The WEEKDAY function converts a date to a number that represents the day of the
week using one of three numbering schemes.

WEEKDAY(date-time, [number-scheme])

 date-time: A date in any of the accepted date formats or a reference to a cell

containing such a date.

 number-scheme: Optional; a single digit that specifies how days are numbered:

1 or omitted counts Sunday = day 1, Saturday = day 7.

2 counts Monday = 1 through Sunday = 7.

3 counts Monday = 0 through Sunday = 6.


The YEAR function extracts the year number from a date.


 date-time: A date or a reference to a cell containing a date.


WEEKDAY("Apr 6, 1988", 1) returns 4 (Wednesday, the fourth day if you start counting Sunday as day

WEEKDAY("Apr 6, 1988") returns the same value as the preceding example (numbering scheme 1 is
used if no number-scheme argument is specified).

WEEKDAY("Apr 6, 1988”, 2) returns 3 (Wednesday, the third day if you start counting Monday as day 1).

WEEKDAY("Apr 6, 1988”, 3) returns 2 (Wednesday, day number 2 if you start counting Monday as day


YEAR("April 6, 1988") returns 1988.

YEAR(NOW()) returns 2006 when evaluated on June 4, 2006.
