Workout instructions, Preliminary treadclimber® workout – Bowflex TreadClimber TC5000 User Manual

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Owner’s Manual

Preliminary TreadClimber® Workout

First 4 Weeks

Based on your Perceived Exertion Level (see the Determining Your Fitness Level section at the beginning

of the Workout Instructions section of this manual), follow the Preliminary Workout guidelines to ease

yourself into a weekly Bowflex




regimen. This regimen may include varying stair-stepper,

treadmill and TreadClimber


modes (combination elliptical, stair-stepping and treadmill) workouts or any one

of those workouts that suits your own unique and ever-changing exercise-regimen needs.

Remember to always use your own, best personal judgment and the advice of your physician or health

care professional to determine how intense and how long your daily workout should be.

Warming Up

Before you begin any workout, you should prepare your body for increased activity by slowly raising

your heart rate.

Stair-stepping is one way to warm up your body slowly without fatiguing. Follow the directions in the Stair-

Stepper Workout section in this manual to begin a stair-stepper warm-up. When you are ready to begin

your TreadClimber


workout, all you will need to do is:

a) Step off the treadles onto the Side Foot Support Platforms

b) Engage the belts by pressing the FASTER button (START/STOP for the TC1000)

Beginning Your Workout

Interval Training and Steady State are two types of workouts that you may perform on the TreadClimber


machine while in TreadClimber


mode (stepping and using the belts at the same time). You may also

wish to combine Interval Training with Steady State Training to get a varied workout.

Interval Training involves adjusting your speed for specific lengths of time to raise and lower your heart

rate and calorie burn. Interval training varies the intensity of your workout during one exercise session.

Alternating high-intensity training with low-intensity rest periods will boost your metabolism and help you

continue to burn calories even after your workout is over.

Interval training also helps prevent the injuries often associated with repetitive endurance exercise, and

allows you to increase your training intensity without over-training or burning out.

Try varying your belt speed or rate of stepping from fast speeds to slower recovery speeds to begin

building your own Interval Training regimen.

Steady State workout involves performing one exercise at the same speed and intensity for a long

period of time. While there are risks to repetitive workouts, the TreadClimber


machine is designed to

cushion your joints and muscles from those stress injuries. Further, repetitive workouts can help you

build your endurance, stamina and strength while continuing to hone and improve the tone and lean

muscle mass in your long muscles.

Workout Instructions

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