MTS Multipurpose Elite User Manual

Page 97

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MPE Activity or

MPT Process or

There is a lot of overlap, but each can do things that the other cannot
do easily.

MPE cannot easily perform the following capabilities, but has the ability
to use an arbitrary calculation for cycle filtering to make up for these

Have the cycle selection algorithm work on a relative cycle count.

Specify that multiple cycles should be stored at each desired

MPE can mix peak/valley data with the other types; MPT does not
support this action.

Functionally equivalent.

Time History

Time History Input

In MPT, the units for acquired data are taken from the calibration
information for this signal, which is defined in the Station Manager

In MPE, the test designer selects a Unit Assignment Set (which may
be from a variable).

MPE has a Trend Monitoring activity that is similar to the Trend
process in MPT. MPT has separate applications for displaying the


Trend Monitoring

results; MPE uses new runtime display components. The major
differences are:

Activity, Limits
Table and
Statistics Chart

The MPE activity has a setting for the Data Sample Rate, which is
not editable in the MPT process.

MPT calculates Minimum, Maximum, Mean, RMS, and Standard
Deviation, where the MPE activity allows you to select which
statistics to calculate.

MPE automatically maps and saves statistics data to variables for
use elsewhere in the test. MPT has no equivalent for this action.

MPE and MPT both allow specifying different limits in various ways.
The capabilities are the same; however, the terminology has been
modified to make it more clear and to be more like the MTS RPC
Pro application.

The MPT process has built-in actions (None, Warning, Stop or
Trigger), and the MPE activity has built-in logging selection (None,
Informational, Warning, or Error), but not actions. The MPT actions
feature can be emulated in MPE using a parallel loop (see installed
Example Trend Monitoring with actions triggered in custom workflow

MPE and MPT both have a Trend Statistics Chart for runtime and
results. MPT automatically selects a signal statistic with its limits,
all signals of a statistic, or all statistics of a signal. MPE is manually
configurable to plot any combination of signal statistics and limits
on multiple axes.

Multipurpose Elite Test Design Guide 97

8.0 Appendix A: MPE for MPT Users
