Clear interlocks – MTS Criterion Series 60 User Manual

Page 78

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Select MTS Templates > TW - Static - Hydraulic > MTS STH Tension (Simplified).

Important: If you wish to use an extensometer, select an extensometer-enabled test like MTS
STH ASTM A370 Tension (Extensometer - Actuator).

5. Turn on the pump.

Press the Start Pump button on the front panel of the IOP.

Clear Interlocks

Your MTS Criterion test system performs many self-checks when it is powered up. If a safety condition is
violated, the system sets an interlock. The interlock lights interlock indicators and renders the machine
inoperable until the violated safety condition is corrected. It is normal to encounter interlock conditions
during normal operation. The steps in this section should be used whenever an interlock condition is

1. If you encounter an interlock condition, begin by checking the interlock status to find the cause.

78 | MTS Criterion

Series 60

Running the Example Tension Test
