Data source, Valve table name, Test history table name – Rockwell Automation T8031 Trusted Valve Manager User Manual

Page 30: Project notes, Saving the new project, Saving the valve manager configuration, Figure 29 valve detection

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Valve Manager T8031

Issue 2 Oct 05



4.4.4. Data Source

The “Data Source” field specifies the ODBC data source (i.e. database) where project information such
as configuration and test results will be saved. The same data source can be used by more than one
project. To select the data source, click the “Browse” button. This will bring up the “Select Data
Source” dialog box. To locate a data source created by the “File | Create Default Database” menu
action, switch to the “Machine Data Source” tab. Select the data source for this project then click “OK”.

Figure 26 Data Source Selection

4.4.5. Valve Table Name

The “Valve Table Name” field specifies the name of the table within the data source that will be used to
save project and valve configuration information. If left blank, the field will be given a default value
after the “Data Source” has been specified. A table with the same name as specified in this field must
not already exist with the data source.

4.4.6. Test History Table Name

The “Test History Table Name” field specifies the name of the table within the data source that will be
used to save test results. If left blank, the field will be given a default value after the “Data Source” has
been specified. A table with the same name as specified in this field must not already exist with the
data source.
