Bio-Rad CHEF Mapper® XA System User Manual

Page 13

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3.3 Two State

1. Press TWO STATE. The message You will destroy the last program - Go on? is

displayed. Enter 1 for yes. This removes the last program in working memory. It does
not erase any stored programs.

2. For Gradient [ ] V/cm, press 6 and ENTER. For Run time=[ ], press 24, then HOURS

and ENTER. After Included angle=, press 120, then ENTER.

3. On the next screen, for Int. Sw. Tm =, press 60, then SECONDS and ENTER. For

Fin Sw Tm =, press 110, then SECONDS and ENTER.

4. Ramping factor a = is displayed next. This refers to the ramping constant that allows non-

linear ramps. The default is a linear ramp, so default by pressing ENTER.

5. The display is A program is in memory.

3.4 Multi State

In this example, we will set up two blocks, each with a different voltage and angle, and

store the program for future use.

2. The message You will destroy the last program - Go on? is displayed. Press 1 and ENTER.

This removes the last program in working memory. It does not erase any stored programs.

3. The next display shows Blk 1, Run time =, Interrupt [0=no, 1=yes]. The cursor will

be on Interrupt (secondary pulses) first. Enter 0 for no. For Run time, press 12, then

4. Set the first block of parameters. For the first state, or vector, the screen will show Blk1St01,

for Block 1, State 1. For V/cm enter 6, for Angle enter 53. Note that this angle is mea-
sured from the vertical; positive angles are measured counterclockwise, and negative angles
clockwise. The reference point for angles is measured from the bottom of a vertical line.

5. Continue with initial and final switch times. After In Tm press 30, then SECONDS. After

Fn Tm press ENTER.

6. After (Ramping constant) a=, press ENTER for the default of a linear ramp.

7. The next display is Continue with another state? 0= No, 1 = Yes. Press 1 and ENTER.

8. The next display is Blk1 St02. For V/cmenter 6, for Angle type -53, for a= press ENTER. The direc-

tions of the two state vectors for this block are paired at 53° and -53° for an included angle of 106°.

9. Repeat step 5.

10. At Continue with another state?, enter 0 for no. At Continue with another block?,

enter 1 for yes.

11. The next display is Blk 2, Run time =, Interrupt [0=no, l=yes]. The cursor will be on

Interrupt (secondary pulses) first. Enter 0 for no. For the Run time press 10, then

12. You will now provide the second set of vectors. The screen will show Blk2St1. For

V/cm enter 6, for Angle enter 60.

13. Continue with switch times. For In Tm and Fn Tm press 1, then MINUTES and ENTER.

For a= press ENTER for the default of the linear ramp.

14. At Continue with another state?, enter 1 for yes. Fill in the variables as in steps 12 and

13, except, for the Angle of Blk2St2, enter -60.

