The md deck - editing, Before you start editing, Editing functions – Sony DHC-MD333 User Manual

Page 36: Name - labelling mds, Erase - erasing recordings, Divide - adding track numbers, Combine - combining recorded tracks, Undo - cancelling the last edit, Before editing, 1 check the tab of the md to be edited

The md deck - editing, Before you start editing, Editing functions | Name - labelling mds, Erase - erasing recordings, Divide - adding track numbers, Combine - combining recorded tracks, Undo - cancelling the last edit, Before editing, 1 check the tab of the md to be edited | Sony DHC-MD333 User Manual | Page 36 / 60 The md deck - editing, Before you start editing, Editing functions | Name - labelling mds, Erase - erasing recordings, Divide - adding track numbers, Combine - combining recorded tracks, Undo - cancelling the last edit, Before editing, 1 check the tab of the md to be edited | Sony DHC-MD333 User Manual | Page 36 / 60