3 layer 2 statistics, 1 layer 2 statistics, Layer 2 statistics – CANOGA PERKINS 9145E Standard NID Software Version 1.0 User Manual

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9145E NID Software User’s Manual

Port Information

Layer 2 Statistics


5.3 Layer 2 Statistics

To view Layer 2 statistics, select Layer 2 Statistics (3) from the Port Information screen (Figure 5-
1) and press Enter. The Layer 2 Statistics screen (Figure 5-12) opens.

5.3.1 Layer 2 Statistics

Frames Sent - reports the total number of frames sent from the interface since the last reset
(Raw) or the last counter reset (Current).

Frames Rcvd - reports the total number of valid frames received on the interface since the last
reset (Raw) or the last counter reset (Current).

Bytes Sent - reports the total number of bytes transmitted from the interface since the last reset
(Raw) or the last counter reset (Current).

Bytes Rcvd - reports the total number of valid bytes received on the interface since the last reset
(Raw) or the last counter reset (Current).

Frames > 1518 - reports the number of frames received on the interface that had a length
(excluding framing bits, but including the CRC) of 1519 or higher.

Frames > Limit - reports the number of frames received on the interface that had a length that
exceeded the user-defined Frame Size.

Line Rate Utilization - This is the percent utilization of the Ethernet segment on a scale of 0 to
100 percent.

Figure 5-14 Layer 2 Statistics Screen

Canoga Perkins Corp. Ethernet Network Interface Device 23-APR-2009
Model 9145E-404-8-0 V01.00 F506 11:24:09
--------------------------LAYER 2 STATISTICS (CURRENT)--------------------------

User Port Net Port
Link State ** DOWN ** UP
Speed/Duplex N/A 100M/FULL

Frames Sent 0 502627
Frames Rcvd 0 34299504
Bytes Sent 0 87908673
Bytes Rcvd 0 44436651247
Frames > 1518 0 0
Frames > 1522 0 0
Line Rate Utilization 0% 1%

Last Counter Reset: 2 days 19:41:40

Select [(C) Change Counter Frame Size, (E) Error Counters,
(T) Frame Type Counters, (CTRL-T) Raw Counters, (CTRL-R) Reset Counters]:

