Oberkorn user manual – Analogue Solutions Oberkorn sequencer User Manual

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Oberkorn User Manual


SEQUENCE CONTROL | Analogue Solutions

If the sequencer is stopped, then started, then the first step to play is not in fact the current,
initial step, that the sequencer was on when it was stopped, but the next step.

This is normal behavior of all true analogue sequencers (do to the way these type of
sequencers are designed using logic chips).

With all other sequencers of this type I have encountered, it means that if you first reset the
sequencer to step one then the first step that always plays initially when you press start is
always step two!

So to overcome this you would have to press STEP up to 15 time to manually put the
sequencer to step 16, so that when you press start, it starts on step one.

Oberkorn overcomes this by having a reset to 16 button. This way Oberkorn correctly starts
on step one.

Note: When manually stopping and starting the sequencer using the toggle switch, switch
note may cause the sequencer to skip a couple of steps. This will not happen when you use
a MIDI note to sync Oberkorn (when patching a T MIDI to Trigger socket to the clock Input

+1 Step

Usually used when the sequencer is stopped. Pressing this will advance the sequencer by
one position. You would normally use this to audition each step individually, for example to
trim each CV setting.

