Oberkorn user manual, Cvs and gates – what are they – Analogue Solutions Oberkorn sequencer User Manual

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Oberkorn User Manual

Analogue Solutions | CVs and Gates – What are They?



This is not a complete beginner’s guide to analogue synthesizers, but here is a very brief

A CV (control voltage) is a varying voltage that can be used to control a parameter of an
analogue synth. Which parameter really depends on the synth. Most synth’s have at least a
pitch CV input (usually just called CV), and a filter cut-off CV input. These I think are the two
most important. But a good modular will provide CV inputs to control most parameters.

Gate (sometimes called trigger) is typically used to trigger an envelope generator (which
controls the synth’s volume, filter cut-off, and other parameters). Gate can be used to turn
digital switches on and off, or to clock other analogue sequencers.

The beauty of analogue synth’s and modulars is that there are no rules. So you can use the
CV and Gates how you want. If your synth has a voltage control input socket, then you can
use it. That’s not to say any patch will sound good. Some won’t sound good or even work at
all. So in those cases you’ll need to try something else. That’s the nature of modular synths.


Though you will hear terms like CV, Gate, V/Oct, Hz/V, Trigger, S-Trig, and they will have
their own general characteristics, there is no true analogue standard.

V/Oct and Hz/V is about the nearest and they usually work as designed, but there are
always occasional incompatibilities or exceptions.

Gates and triggers can be of different voltages and pulse widths. There is no account of
input and output impedances, frequency ranges etc. Some gate outputs might be say 5v or
10v. Some synth may require a gate voltage higher than the controlling device is giving.

So though with modulars and analogues synths you should be able to cross patch with no
problems sometimes things you might try may just not work. This sort of situation may
happen too when you connect a sequencer to a particular synth, or try clocking two devices
together. Sometimes it won’t work. Generally this is rare and whatever you hook up will
usually work. There is usually a work around if there are problems, or you simply just have to
try something else.

Oberkorn seems to work fine with most gear, and I have not heard back many problems.
