Oberkorn user manual – Analogue Solutions Oberkorn sequencer User Manual

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Oberkorn User Manual

Analogue Solutions | Some Patch Examples



Hard to explain how this works, so best just to do it and not worry about the technical details.

It’s possible to get Oberkorn to step in an unusual way. Not random – the same pattern gets
repeated. So it retains it’s musicality.

Take either Gate X or Y out and patch to B0, B1, B2, or B3 Positioning binary inputs. Then
play around with the Gate settings.

You will find Oberkorn stepping in strange, yet, repeating ways. It might miss 2 steps here or
there, play two in a row, etc.

Best is try it for yourself and have some fun!

For truly random stepping – try using an LFO triangle wave as the clock source.
