4 _7260_do_read_back, Description, Syntax – ADLINK PCI-7260 User Manual

Page 48: Argument, Return code, 7260_do_read_back, Description @ syntax @ argument @ return code

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C/C++ DOS Libraries

5.4 _7260_DO_Read_Back

@ Description

This function is used to read data back from digital output port con-
trol by 7260_DO function. There are 8-bit digital outputs on the
PCI-7260. You can get back all RELAYs status (SET or RESET)
by using this function.

@ Syntax

U16 _7260_DO_Read_Back (U16 boardID, U16


@ Argument

boardID: Board ID to the specific borad.

DoReadBackData: value read back from digital output port. ‘0’
represents the non-latching relay is under RESET condition and
‘1’ represents the non-latching relay is under SET condition.

@ Return Code

ERR_NoError, ERR_BoardNoInit
