LinPlug Octopus User Manual

Page 26

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the shape of the curve between two End Points. Curve Points can only be

moved vertically within the Editor. The vertical position of the point relative

to the end Points determines the nature of the curve. If the Curve Point is

vertically equidistant between the two End Points, the curve between them

is a straight line. The closer (vertically) that a Curve Point is moved to an

End Point, the sharper the curve becomes relative to that point.

The Envelope Editor's view can expanded or contracted by left-clicking on

an unoccupied area of the editor and then dragging the mouse up or down.

Dragging the mouse upwards increases the magnification, while dragging it

downwards decreases the magnification. The entire view can be scrolled

left or right by clicking in the time display at the bottom of the view.

The Octopus' Envelopes feature loop points that enable the sound to

continue while a note is being triggered. The Loop Start/Loop End points

are indicated by two dark blue vertical lines. The Loop Start point can be set

to any point between the first End Point and the Loop End End Point. The

Loop End point can be set to any point between the Loop Start Point and

the last End Point. Resetting the Loop Start/Loop End points is done by

selecting the point and then dragging it to another End Point. Note that for

an envelope to loop there must be an End Point between the Loop

Start/Loop End points. By default this is not the case so newly added

envelopes will not loop.

You may also have noticed additional dark blue lines connecting various

envelope points. These lines indicate the way that the envelope's values

change while it is looping. The first time through the loop the envelope's

values are indicated by the light blue lines. When the Loop End point is

reached the envelope jumps to the Loop start position. Initially, its value at

the start position is the same as it was at the end of the loop. It does not

take on the value of the Loop Start point. If it did, and the values of the Loop

Start/Loop End points were different, there would be a discontinuity in the

envelope producing a noticeable click. This is indicated in the editor by the

dark blue horizontal line that connects the Loop End point to the Loop Start

point. Notice that it does not connect to the Loop Start point for the reasons

described above. Once the envelope is at the Loop Start position it

proceeds to the value of the first point within the loop. This is shown by the

dark blue line that connects the Loop Start position with the first point within

the loop. Note that the setting of the Curve Point that lies between the Loop

Start Point and the first point within the loop affects the shape of the loop

envelope too.


