Edelbrock 3550 User Manual

Page 31

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Pro-Flo EFI Installation Instructions

©2005 Edelbrock Corporation

Brochure No. 63-0115

Rev. 10/05


These are basic instructions to help in understanding the tuning of your Pro-Flo fuel injection system. For detailed technical information on

tuning your Pro-Flo, see the Pro-Flo Owner’s Manual. This guide has been developed after talking with end users that are not familiar with the
technical information provided in the Owner’s Manual.

This guide is based on our simple graph that shows the 24 fuel cells that you can tune in to result in a clean and powerful engine. We

recommend when you have your Pro-Flo installed, you have the idle tune up completed and then drive the vehicle to determine what amount of
tuning is needed for general driving. If the unit is driveable, this is the method to use for ease of tuning. On page 6 of this installation manual,
there is a fuel grid that can be used as the map on which to locate and then tune any drivability problems. Simply drive the vehicle and note any
areas that have problems. Circle those areas as a baseline.

When circling the area where a problem exists, you are circling the RPM and Vacuum reading that is present when the problem occurs.

Note whether it is running rich (green light) or lean (red light) at each problem area. Once any problem areas have been located and noted rich or
lean, go into the Miscellaneous Modifiers menu and turn off the Closed Loop Fuel, exit, go to Fuel Modifiers, and then into Global Fuel. Now drive
the vehicle and drive back to each problem area. When driving in a problem area, add or subtract fuel to obtain the smoothest operation at that
driving point. Write down the quantity (plus or minus) of fuel required to achieve a smooth operation. When all the problem areas have been
noted, and the amount of fuel required to achieve smooth operation has been noted at each problem area, you may now do each adjustment one
at a time to achieve a complete tune up.

To input this information, you will need to make sure the Closed Loop Fuel is in the OFF position. Go to each area and enter the information.

If you have found a problem that is not exactly in the center of one of the fuel cells, you will still be able to tune the area by using the Surround
and Conquer method for properly managing the fuel curve. Listed below is an example of this method:

Assume that you have found a problem area at 2500 RPM and 15 inches of Vacuum. This is not an area where you can address the
problem directly. In this scenario, we will say the unit is showing a lean condition (red light). In which case, fuel will need to be added.
We will also say that when driving and using the Global Modifier to find the exact amount of fuel required, it was determined that the
amount needed was plus ten percent (+10%). In the Surround and Conquer method, you will add fuel at the four locations surrounding
the problem area. This is shown in the figure below:

1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 7000

(WOT) 0










Problem Area

In this example, tune

by adding 10% fuel at

each area marked by

an “X”, surrounding

the problem area.

When the required amount of fuel has been added at each surrounding fuel cell, complete the operation by returning to the Miscellaneous

Modifiers menus, and turning the Closed Loop Fuel ON. Press the SAVE key, then the ENTER key. The hand-held unit will show SAVING IN
PROGRESS. Repeat this procedure at each problem area to complete the tune up.

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