Ascii protocol configuration, Ascii port 0, Enabled – ProSoft Technology 5201-DFNT-ASCII User Manual

Page 19: 4ascii protocol configuration

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ASCII Protocol Configuration

ASCII ♦ ProLinx Standalone

Generic ASCII Serial Communication Module

ProSoft Technology, Inc.

Page 19 of 40

July 7, 2008


ASCII Protocol Configuration

In This Chapter



Port 0] ........................................................................................ 19

In order for the ASCII driver to function, a minimum amount of configuration data
must be transferred to the module from the module's file system. Care must be
taken in constructing the module configuration parameters. If the module does
not function as expected, examine the configuration file using the Debugger Port
on the module. All configuration parameters for the driver are found under the
[ASCII Port x] section. The x in the section name will have a value of 0 to 3
corresponding to the appropriate ASCII port.

After setting up the configuration file, download it to the module using ProSoft
Configuration Builder.


[ASCII Port 0]


Enabled : Y #

RS Interface : 0 #0=RS-232, 1=RS-485, 2=RS-422

Rx DB Start : 200

Tx DB Start : 0

Baud Rate : 19200

Parity : N #The coded values are as follows: N=None, O=Odd,

# E=Even, M=Mark and S=Space."

Data Bits : 8 #Valid entries for this field are 5, 6, 7 and 8."

Stop Bits : 1

RTS On : 0

RTS Off : 0

Handshaking : N #Handshake code of N, Y, D, X"

Rx Termination Type: 1

Rx Term Count : 1

Rx Term Chars : 13 11 12 14 15 16 17 255 255 0 0 0

Rx Packet Length : 10

Rx Timeout : 5000

Rx Delay : 1000

Swap Rx Data Bytes : N

Tx Timeout : 5000

Tx Minimum Delay : 0

Swap Tx Data Bytes : N

4.1.1 Enabled

Yes or No

This flag specifies if the port on the module will be utilized. If the parameter is set
to No, the port will not be used. If the parameter is set to Yes, the port will be
used supporting the ASCII protocol.
