About config commands, Config mode prompt, Navigating the config hierarchy – Motorola Netopia 3397GP User Manual

Page 141: Entering commands in config mode

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About CONFIG Commands

You reach the configuration mode of the command line inter face by typing


(or any trunca-

tion of


, such as




) at the CLI SHELL prompt.

CONFIG Mode Prompt

When you are in CONFIG mode, the CLI prompt consists of the name of the Motorola Netopia® Gateway
followed by your current

node in the hierarchy and two right angle brackets (>>). For example, when you

enter CONFIG mode (by typing


at the SHELL prompt), the



prompt reminds you that you are at the top of the CONFIG hierarchy. If you move to the


node in the CONFIG hierarchy (by typing


at the CONFIG prompt), the prompt changes to


3000/9437188 (ip)>>

to identify your current location.

Some CLI commands are not available until cer tain conditions are met. For example, you must enable
IP for an inter face before you can enter IP settings for that inter face.

Navigating the CONFIG Hierarchy

Moving from CONFIG to SHELL

— You can navigate from anywhere in the CONFIG hierarchy back

to the SHELL level by entering


at the CONFIG prompt and pressing R



Netopia-3000/9437188 (top)>>


Netopia-3000/9437188 >

Moving from


to a subnode

— You can navigate from the top node to a subnode by entering

the node name (or the significant letters of the node name) at the CONFIG prompt and pressing


. For example, you move to the IP subnode by entering


and pressing R



Netopia-3000/9437188 (top)>>


Netopia-3000/9437188 (ip)>>

As a shor tcut, you can enter the significant letters of the node name in place of the full node name at
the CONFIG prompt. The significant characters of a node name are the letters that uniquely identify the

node. For example, since no other CONFIG node star ts with b, you could enter one letter (“


”) to move

to the bridge node.

Jumping down several nodes at once

— You can jump down several levels in the CONFIG hierar-

chy by entering the complete path to a node.

Moving up one node

— You can move up through the CONFIG hierarchy one node at a time by

entering the



Jumping to the top node

— You can jump to the top level from anywhere in the CONFIG hierarchy

by entering the



Moving from one subnode to another

— You can move from one subnode to another by entering

a par tial path that identifies how far back to climb.

Moving from any subnode to any other subnode

— You can move from any subnode to any other

subnode by entering a partial path that starts with a top-level CONFIG command.

Scrolling backward and forward through recent commands

— You can use the Up and Down

arrow keys to scroll backward and for ward through recent commands you have entered. When the
command you want appears, press Enter to execute it.

Entering Commands in CONFIG Mode

CONFIG commands consist of keywords and arguments. Keywords in a CONFIG command specify the
action you want to take or the entity on which you want to act. Arguments in a CONFIG command specify
the values appropriate to your site. For example, the CONFIG command

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