2 directory contents, 4 development target, 1 configuring and compiling the uclinux – SLS Audio NEEK Board Support Package uClinux User Manual

Page 16: Start the configuration menu

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uClinux NEEK BSP Development Environment

uClinux NEEK BSP

#cd Bintools

#tar jxfv nios2gcc-20080203.tar.bz2

6. Return to uClinux


7. Issue command


Here you will see nios2-linux Bintools System-files.

2.3.2 Directory Contents

You have now successfully unpacked the BSP package. You will see following
directory structure:




Contains uClinux-dist, Bintool (binary tool chain) and
system-files. User who is interested only in software side
can start working with this directory.


Contains BSP documents: uClinux NEEK BSP user
guide, NEEK user guide, DRIVERSAPI.txt and


Contains SLS uClinux Demo and Format utility for SD
card. In each subdirectory you will find other necessary
information like quick start guide and readme.


Contains Quartus Archive project of SOPC system used
in this BSP

Quick Reference

Pre-built zImage for ready reference.

2.4 Development Target

2.4.1 Configuring and Compiling the uClinux

NEEK BSP has two main areas of configurations. Together they define a
complete uClinux platform configuration. The two areas include:

• Vendor / Product Settings
• Kernel Settings

In this section, you will learn all the above listed configurations.

Start the Configuration Menu

To configure the kernel, go to the directory “/home/uClinux/nios2-linux/uClinux-
dist” and follow the steps below:


System Level Solutions
