2 running zimage on windows, 1 using jtag uart console – SLS Audio NEEK Board Support Package uClinux User Manual

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uClinux NEEK BSP

uClinux NEEK BSP Development Environment

3. Set the baud rate 115200, 8 bit, no parity and one stop bit. See the

Figure 14

Figure 14 : Minicom Configuration Window3

4. You may set this configuration as default by selecting Save Setup as dfl

option after all configurations.

5. Now, download .sof and zImage from other terminal and you will see booting

on Minicom.

3.2 Running zImage on windows

3.2.1 Using JTAG UART Console

If you have selected JTAG UART as console while building the zImage then
follow the steps:

[SOPC Builder]$ nios2-configure-sof

[SOPC Builder]$ nios2-download -c USB-Blaster[USB-0]
zImage –g

[SOPC Builder]$ nios2-terminal

Here you can see Linux booting messages on same shell.

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