2 using serial uart console – SLS Audio NEEK Board Support Package uClinux User Manual

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Downloading and Running zImage

uClinux NEEK BSP

3.2.2 Using Serial UART Console

You can build zImage on Linux and run it on windows. This is the description for
serial UART console. Go to the "/home/uClinux/uClinux-dist/images" directory.
Copy the file named "zImage" and paste it in to your windows PC (make sure
your zImage absolute path doesn’t contain a white character i.e. space).also copy
sls_neek_bsp_hw.sof from /home/uClinux/System-files into windows directory.

1. Open the HyperTerminal with the following configuration.

Figure 15 : COM1 Properties

2. Download sls_neek_bsp_hw.sof file into the NEEK either Quartus

programmer or with command.

3. Open the Nios II Command Shell. Navigate to the directory where you

have put the zImage and sof files.

[SOPC Builder]$ cd /(your directory containing zImage)

[SOPC Builder]$ nios2-configure-sof

[SOPC Builder]$ nios2-download -c USB-Blaster[USB-0]
zImage -g

Here you can see Linux booting messages on the hyper terminal window.


System Level Solutions
