YSI Data Scout Advanced User Manual

Page 26

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The Add function is used to add a new row to the end of the current Site Net Map. In figure 3.10, the title bar of the window indicates
that Transducer #1 was previously the last item on the map, and that this function, if completed, will add a new Transducer #2 to the
end of the map.

Figure 3.10

The Add function’s window has two fields where entries are possible for the transducer (i.e., the light-green fields). A descriptive
Name may be left blank, but a valid Address is required before the OK button will be enabled to allow the user to save the information.
The other white fields are read-only and used to display ID information that will be retrieved from the transducer when it is queried.

The Insert function is used to insert a new row on the current Site Net Map between the currently highlighted row and the row above
it. In figure 3.11, the title bar of the pop-up window indicates that Transducer #1 was the previously highlighted row on the map, and
that this function, if completed, will add a new Transducer #1 ahead of it on the map, thus renumbering the originally highlighted
transducer and pushing it down to be Transducer #2.

Figure 3.11

The Insert function’s window allows Name and Address fields be entered for the transducer (the light-green fields). The Name may be
left blank, but a valid Address is required before the OK button will be enabled to allow the user to save the information.

The Delete function is used to delete any existing highlighted transducer row(s) on the Site Net Map. The PC keyboard’s Delete key
may be used as a shortcut to invoke this function. The function opens a warning dialog window to be sure the user wants to delete the
transducer(s). It will not operate unless one or more existing rows on the Site Net Map, to be deleted, are highlighted first.

The Edit function is used to edit any or all of the individual fields (columns) of any existing highlighted transducer row on the Site Net
Map. In figure 3.12, the title bar of the window indicates that Transducer #1 was the previously highlighted row on the map, and that
this function, if completed, can selectively change any data fields belonging to Transducer #1.

Figure 3.12

The Edit function’s window initially shows the current data previously defined for every field of that transducer row. Any of these
fields (in light-green text boxes) may be changed as needed. Other fields (in white text boxes) can be viewed but not modified since
they are supplied by the Query function. Press OK to finalize any changes made, or press Cancel to ignore the changes made.

Other transducer configuration option functions, that actually change data inside a physical transducer, are found on a separate
Configure menu of the separate Run window. These are described briefly in Section 3.6 and described fully in Chapter 4.

YSI Incorporated

Data Scout Advanced

