YSI Data Scout Advanced User Manual

Page 8

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Figure 1.3

Functions are selected from the Configure drop down menu located in the main menu bar at the top of the window (figure 1.3), or
selected from a “hidden” Site Net Map context menu that will open when the user right-clicks over any row of the Site Net Map. This
context menu duplicates the most frequently-used site-network-editing, querying, and diagnostic functions available from the main

Also notice that many menu functions have alternate keyboard shortcuts for activating them (<Function Key>, <Ctrl>+<Key> or
<Shift>+<Key> or <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<Key>). These shortcuts, when available, are listed at the far right of the descriptions of each
menu item. Such keyboard shortcuts can be executed without displaying the menu.

Depending upon the defined column widths and amount of information displayed on each row of the Site Net Map, the user may need
to use a horizontal scroll bar to see all of it. Alternatively, the user can resize the width of the main Data Scout Advanced window by
dragging its left or right boundaries. The window’s height is automatically sized to show the number of transducer(s) defined in the
current Site Map. The window remembers its current size and position when Data Scout Advanced is closed and restores that last size
and position when restarted.

The various columns on the Site Net Map can be varied in width, by dragging (left or right) a special mouse icon (i.e., left and right
arrows pointing away from a single vertical line) that appears as the mouse hovers over the boundary between two column header
labels. The user can hide any unused columns by dragging it left to “zero” width. Once a column has been hidden, another special
mouse icon (i.e., left and right arrows pointing away from a double vertical line) appears as the mouse hovers near the column label
boundary. It allows the user to drag a hidden column (right) to a visible width again. Data Scout Advanced remembers the most
recent column widths used when it exits, or when a particular site network is saved. It restores these column widths when Data Scout
Advanced is restarted.

The File | Archive Files (DSAdv) menu item opens an Archive window when selected. This function is particularly useful when the
many files generated by Data Scout Advanced need to be moved or backed-up on other network or removable disk drives.

The File | View Files (DSAdv) menu item causes an Open File window to appear that shows all the files and subfolders of the Main
Base Path (“installation” folder) of Data Scout Advanced. These subfolders (Ini, Dat, Cmd-Log, Report, and Firmware) contain all the
initialization, data, scripts (commands and logs), report, and firmware hex image files used by or generated by Data Scout Advanced.

The Configure menu provides a large submenu of choices separated in four sections (figure 1.3). The first section contains items for
configuring the current site network’s serial port parameters, and other general options of Data Scout Advanced. The second section
has functions for editing rows of the Site Net Map, including an Add function for adding a new transducer to the end of the map and
the Insert, Delete, and Edit functions for editing selected (highlighted) row(s) of the map. The third section contains a Query function
for single (or multiple) selected transducer(s). However, if Site Net Map is empty (i.e., New), this section provides a useful Auto-
Discover function in place of the Query function that can automatically build an entire network of transducer(s). The fourth section
contains diagnostic transducer configuration items useful in bringing a single new transducer (with possibly unknown address) onto
the current site network.

YSI Incorporated

Data Scout Advanced

